HCL Accelerate plugin installations on air-gapped networks

HCL Accelerate plugin installations on air-gapped networks.

About this task

The installation instructions describe installing plugins in an air-gapped network that is physically isolated from unsecured networks.


  1. Pull the image from DockerHub on a machine that is not air-gapped, and save as a tarball to move to the air-gapped machine.
    For example, use the following commands:
         docker pull urbancode/ucv-ext-github
         docker save -o github.tar urbancode/ucv-ext-github
  2. Move *.tar to machine with access to the internal Docker registry.
    For example, use the following commands:
         docker load -i github.tar
         docker tag urbancode/ucv-ext-github <internal-docker-registry>/ucv-ext-github
         docker push <internal-docker-registry>/ucv-ext-github
  3. Update the accelerate instance with the new docker registry URL.
    Note: You can use either of the following:
    • The
      prefix when referring to the image name.
    • Set the
      environment variable in reporting-consumer.
  4. If you changed the environment variable, you may need to restart the reporting-consumer container/pod. A restart of HCL Accelerate is not required.
    The plugins tab will only display plugins that are installed from the private docker registry versus uninstalled plugins available from the private docker registry.